Committee Meeting 25/01/2023


Participating:  Jesper, Nick, Signe, Simon, & Jon


  1. Roundtable
     We started with hearing from each member of the committee.


Jesper: The long-time DRU secretary Rie has resigned from her position. A replacement will hopefully be found soon.
 Jesper is trying to get the ball rolling with Holdsport, which Jon will look into when we get access.
Nick: Nick is looking forwards to the new season, especially with the Old Boys, that are itching to get back on the field. They will be ready when we get access to the grass pitch in April.

Nick is very worried about the damaged caused, and the lack of respect demonstrated at last year’s AD&D

Simon: 131k in the account, though the books haven’t been finished quite yet.

It’s a bit less than last year, but we might still need to chase down some sponsorships and other transfers.

Signe: The Ladies have started the season, and are training indoors on Tuesdays.
 Next week they will have their Players Meeting.
 There are high hopes this season, since Exiles ended on a strong last tournament, beating FRK in the final game.
 In March there will be a team building trip to a summerhouse, a repeat of last year’s success.
 They also hope to do an away trip to another country, for a beach rugby tournament sometime June/July.
 The Ladies will need a new kit this year.


Jon: The manager of Bootleggers City, Stina, has resigned. We have met the new manager Pierre a few times, and we hope to build a good relationship with him.
 Jon has kept contact with Lyngby Stadion, and made sure we had the pitch booked for us at our usual times.


Alberto (In absentia): Most of the merch has arrived, and will be handed out at the first official training.
 Alberto will co-ordinate with Gaspard to make graphics for the social media posts this year.


Zorn (In absentia): The Men’s haven’t started official training yet, but will start on the 7th of February.
 We still don’t have a coach, but thankfully some of our players are banding together to create a coaching team.


  1. AGM

We have to find a date for the AGM.

It needs to be called for 21 days in advance, and needs to be before the end of February.
The committee members present decide to place it on the 25th of February at 13:00, 2 hours before the start of some 6 Nations matches.
 The committee members will meet there an hour before.
 Jon will write up the invitation.


  1. DRU Repræsentatskabsmøde

The DRU AGM and Conference will take place in Idrætten’s Hus in Brøndby, on the 25th and 26th of March.
 The Men’s team have an away game at Erritsø that Saturday.
 Jon will go to the meeting, and hopes to lure an ally along.
Deadline for signup is 24th of February.


  1. DRU Samarbejdsmøde

DRU has called for a meeting of all teams near CPH, to make plans for this year and how to help each other. In particular this has to do with how to help out our nation team, that won’t be playing at Odense anymore.
Meeting is at Speed Rugby clubhouse, on the 9th of February from 18:00 to 20:00.
 Unfortunately no one present is able to go, though the committee feels Exiles should be represented.

Deadline for signup is 6th of February.


  1. AD&D fallout

The AD&D was successful again last year, with a good amount of money earned in from the raffle.
 Unfortunately there we many issues this year with both things destroyed and disrespectful behaviour towards teammates.
 All of this was totally unacceptable!
 The committee discussed this issue at length, and have decided to start with having our President Nick, send out an email to all the members.
 The issues will also be further addressed at the upcoming Players Meetings.

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