Committee Meeting 05/02/2025

Participating: Ignasi, Jacob, Jon, Simon, Sofie, Stephanie, Zorn and Komnen
Minutes by: Jon

  1. Round table:
    Sofie – Head of Ladies

    The ladies team has been working hard to find a new coach, and they have found one!
    His name is Sean Ferris, and he has been a youth trainer for Gentofte, before agreeing to train our ladies team for the next season. He seems very committed and flexible.

    We still haven’t bought the smaller strip sizes, but will do that soon!

It’s also noted that both teams would love new balls!
Jon is working on that.

Zorn – Head of Men’s
The men’s team still has the same coaches from last season. Gaspard has accepted a coach assistance position with the National Ladies 15, in addition to coaching our men's team.

The guys really like him, and he has drilled a lot into them over the last year. 
That ladies 15th team might want to make use of our pitch in March. We’re not sure if we can help with that, since the pitch often isn’t opened yet by that point.

It's currently too cold for many people at practice, though maybe 20 people are coming tomorrow, so it looks to be shaping up!

The guys would like new strips, or fill out the missing numbers at least.
We also need new ball nets, and maybe some of the tackle bags should be replaced. Maybe we can have Jesper fix some of the ones that are coming apart in the seems.

Komnen has joined the national team, and will have our full support.
Yann is also invited, but might not want to.

We can now vote for RD Player of the Year – all 3 players are from FRK. This does not amuse the committee.
We discuss whether to abstain from voting, in silent protest.

In the end, a vote is sent to RD.

Zorn has been spending quite some time communicating with other teams managers about the new men's tournament format.

Jacob – DTU Liaison
DTU grant was not applied for last season - that will be done this year!

Jacob has a meeting tomorrow with DTU, a Team Building event for DTU Sports. There will be several workshops, though Jacob is not expecting much. Our young whippersnapper is already jaded.

Talked to Thor about the pitch issue.
Communication has been difficult, because they keep forwarding mails around to new people, instead of actually answering.

Jacob’s love life is going great. We rate Ella 12/10!

Ignasi – Recruitment Secretary 
We have our first rookie day of the season tomorrow, at Lyngby stadium.

Komnen will help to bring a frame of beer for after.

Last year was a difficult recruitment year. Ignasi feels that our players didn’t place as much importance on recruitment as he expected.
From this year he will work more as an administrative recruiter, managing others from the team, rather than physically going himself.
He feels it’s been a lot of work last year, with little result, which is why he wants to change strategy.

The rest of the committee commends Ignasi for his hard word, and offers support.

There was a strong group of recruiters the previous year, but the drive wasn’t properly transferred to the next generation of new players, so he wants to work harder on that.

Ignasi has plans for changing how his “Exiles family” groups are run, to hopefully breed this culture.

Stephanie – Social Secretary
Will remind Greg about last year's sponsorship, which hasn’t ticked in on the account yet.

Stephanie didn’t feel like killing anyone at AD&D last year, which is a big improvement from the previous year.
Zorn and Simon were the drunkest ones there this time!

We never got a bill for cleaning from DTU. It should be around 1.000kr, but they haven’t sent it, despite Stephanie reminding them.

6 Nations are currently happening, and people are going and having fun as usual.

Bootleggers aren't any less interested in having us around, but it feels like they are paying less attention to us. There's a big turnover in bartenders, so players have experienced going to Nørreport and not getting a discount. So we recommend players go to Nørrebro at the moment.

Nick – Club President

Nick has a big announcement that he’d like to share at the AGM.

Part of that announcement is a drive to recruit more foreigners.
The goal is to have 100 foreigners by the end of this year – we have about 60 now.

This will be on the agenda for the next committee meeting.

Simon – Treasurer

We go through the accounts that Simon has finished.

We've about broken even this year, which is what we hoped for.

Jon – Club Secretary

We should make sure to send someone or several people to the RD AGM, which is upcoming on March 16th. Deadline for signup is 14th of February.

14th of March is last day of Astroturf for us at Lyngby Stadium.

We have no winter solution for next year!

Gentofte might want to do some training with Exiles in the coming season. They are no longer bound to just practise at FRK for the U16/U18 team, so they would like to also train at other pitches from now on.

Zorn and Nick will take charge of communication with Gentofte.
This will be on the agenda for the next committee meeting.

Jon is ordering new balls from a Danish company called Adrena Sport.

Jon has the merchandise stock in his basement. We should find out what to do with merch this year, and who to do it.

Signe – Club Captain Report

Signe was unable to attend the meeting.

Komnen – Branding Officer

In a surprising turn of events - Komnen is here!
He wants to help find sponsorships for the club, and run our merch!
He is thinking of taking over Alberto’s Branding role. His goal is to get lots of logos on our shorts!

Komnen has spoken with Franco and Alberto about taking over the merchandise. He has an idea of finding a solution that will ship directly to the players.

He wants to restructure it a bit, and hopefully have 2 runs a year, instead of just one.

The committee agrees to take Komnen on as Branding Officer.
Komnen then proceeds to leave the meeting immediately. 

See you around Komnen.

  1. Men’s Tournament Status
    Discuss formal reaction to the men's “turnering udvalgs” decision, to keep the tournament format unchanged.

We all hate it, and we want to set a united front towards Rugby Denmark.

They gave us dates for decisions, and then made it at a totally different point.

Continually keep them aware that we are not happy with the current tournament, throughout the year.

The committee decides to set down a team to figure out our best suggestion for a tournament structure.

We will then have a sit down with other clubs, after talking about this without club at the AGM.

Finally we will share our thoughts with RD at the workshop at Rugbydagen.

President Nick will send out a message to our club, about what we are doing about this.

Also - Jacob is not married.

  1. Rugbydagen – New initiative by Rugby Denmark
    Rugby Denmark’s Repræsentantskabsmøde is on the 16th of March in Erritsø. 
    This year it’s part of “Rugbydagen”, which starts at 10:00, and has 6 workshops in two modules, before lunch. After which is the AGM followed by a 3 hour intro to the game of T1 Rugby.

The workshops are: Vores fælles pengeFra linse til likesDet gode klubmiljøBagom turneringerneSæt den fremtidige retning for Rugby Danmark, and Sådan for du “JA” fra fonden.

Some of these workshops might be really good to join, to have a voice in RD and get some insight in their decisions.

The committee will send several attendees.
Signup by 14th of February!

  1. Pitch Status – What do we do?
    Our pitch has had a construction site as a neighbour during the last half year. At that time they cut a corner of the try zone, on the opposite end of the pitch from the shed.

It worked okay last year, though one of our players did manage to run into it (Well done Ignat).

Over the winter another few meters have been claimed from the try zone, and some meters into the actual pitch also.

There is doubt as to whether it will be playable this year.
We need to get an answer from DRU, who we hope will push it back to where it was before. A possible solution could be to forfeit home games. 

Update, since the meeting Jacob has contacted DTU, who have asked the contractors to move the fence back where it was.

We will more actively talk to Gentofte about using their pitch for winter, in case we might lose our pitch next year.

  1. AGM Prep

The committee discussed preparations for the upcoming AGM.

Nick has a former player delivering a welcome.

We’ll want to talk about the men’s tournament.

Sub’s will have to be increased this year.
Sub increase suggestion from the committee:

Employed from 1.200kr to 1.400kr.

Employed half year, from 700kr to 800kr.

Students, from 600kr to 800kr.

Students half year, from 400kr to 500kr.

Lots of missing positions we need filled:

Captain, Socials, Communication

  1. Other business
    It turns out, after finding a girl from Georgia, Jacob no longer likes the colour black.
    (He wants to play in the red shirts)

Hold i dag


