DTU EXILES RUGBY Annual General Meeting 2018

Saturday, February 17th at Bootleggers Linnesgade 16, 1361 Copenhagen.

The AGM begins at 18.37


1. Election of Chairman

2. Approval of minutes of last AGM

3. Reports from the Committee

4. Presentation of the Accounts for the preceding year and budget for the coming year.

5. Establish the number of votes

6. Annual subscriptions

7. Resolutions

8. Election of Officers

9. Appointment of Auditor

10. Any Other Business

1. Election of Chairman

Club Captain Jesper Heiselberg opens the meeting. Simon Mountford is elected as chairman.

2. Approval of minutes of last AGM

Simon reads the minutes from the 2017 AGM

No objection is made.

Minutes of the 2017 AGM are approved unanimously

3. Reports from the Committee

Club Captain: In 2017, the Club got a new website. The preparations of the upcoming 50th anniversary has started. Jesper thanks for the committee for its good work. All Club members are encouraged to volunteer for the club.

Head of Men: Sam was the coach in 2017. In 2017, the Men’s team was not cheated for its victory in 2nd division.

Head of Ladies: 2017 was a great year. In 2018, Jon and Mette are replacing Mark as coaches. The recruitment has been good. In 2018, new ladies’ team are joining the competition. Signe thanks Luna for her great work while she was away.

Recruitment Secretary: Many new players have joined the club. New posters have been made. Focus in 2018 will be on the expats. Alberto proposes to have a video made for recruitment.

Communication Secretary: The Club has a new website. The 50th anniversary of the Club is under preparation. New merchandise has been ordered. After players’ profiles, the Exiles FB page will present the coaches. Great success with pictures of Exiles members abroad. Project of an Exiles tinder

Social Secretary: 2017 was a fantastic social year for the club - the AD&D had a record turnout of 84 people and was a great success (minus 1 unicorn). Moving from Rhino Bar to Bootleggers after matches has also helped 'mingling' between the men and women's teams. Looking forward to an equally successful 2018!

DTU Liaison: the main issue has been lights on the pitch. Unfortunately, the problem was solved after the end of the outdoor season.

Club Secretary: We got a proper astro turf for the pre-season from Lyngby municipality. The club applied and received a grant from Lyngby municipality. Communication with DRU can still be a challenge from time to time. International House in Copenhagen is still promoting the club.

4. Presentation of the Accounts for the preceding year and budget for the coming year

The accounts have been certified by the Club Auditor Riina Kiiski

2017 was a good year for Exiles

DTU sponsored a new kit for the men’s team

In 2018, the club urges its members to pay theirs subs though the website

Price of the AD&D 2018 will be reflected as coming after the 50th anniversary

Luna asks about the money in the bank and DTU’s position on the matter

If club members come with a good proposal, it would get funded

The Accounts 2017 and the 2018 Budget are approved

5. Establish the number of votes

23 members are present with the right to vote

The Accounts for 2017 and the 2018 Budget are approved unanimously.

6. Annual subscription

Simon proposes to keep the subs at the same level as last year

The proposal is accepted unanimously

7. Resolutions

Club Captain Jesper Heiselberg has sent a proposal to change the Constitution

Proposal to introduce proxy votes at Annual General Meeting from Jesper Heiselberg

§ 4. Eligibility for Membership

4.1 The Club is open to all current and former employees and students of DTU.

4.2 Furthermore, the Club is open to all other persons resident in Denmark interested in its development.

4.3 The Club shall consist of playing members, passive social members, and Honorary members.

4.4 Application for membership can be made verbally or in writing to any member of the committee.

4.5 Club members are also members of DTU Sport. The Club shall annually provide DTU Sport with information on the number of members, and, if requested, a list of the members, including name, age, address, and association with DTU.

§9. Conduct of Annual general Meetings

9.1 Annual General Meetings of the Club shall be chaired by the President or, in the absence of the President, a duly elected member of the Club.

9.2 Every member present entitled to vote shall have one vote on every motion. No proxy votes are allowed. Should a member be hindered in participating in the Annual General Meeting in person they can assign a proxy holder. This must be done in writing and approved by the Chair. A proxy holder can only hold the proxy from one member.

Results of the vote for each paragraph: A change to the Constiution has to be approved by a 2/3 majority of the AGM.

4.2: replacement of "who are resident in Denmark" by "who are interested in its development" à adopted unanimously

4.3: change from passive members to social members à adopted unanimously

4.5: suppression of the mention postal address à adopted unanimously

9.1: "Annual" is added to the text à adopted unanimously

9.2: Authorization of proxy votes at the AGM à 6 votes out of 23 in favour. The proposal is rejected

Ladies’ Coach Mette Reinholdt has sent the following proposal to the Committee

Proposal to remove §7.3 from the constitution by Jon & Mette (coaches of the women's team)

The coaches of the women’s team would like to propose a change to the constitution.

We propose to delete paragraf §7.3 “The Captain and Vice Team Captain shall be elected by the playing members only.” and leave the decision on how to elect captains and vice captains up to the teams themselves.

It is paramount that the captains shares the ideals and values of the coaches, something that can be difficult as the constitution is right now.

Also, now even players who have just joined the team can vote for captains, meaning if twenty people joined just before the election process starts, they could sway the vote for whomever they choose.

We hope this is something that everyone can get behind.

Results of the vote: 7.3: Suppression of the mention of the election of captain and vice-captain in the Constitution à 16 votes in favour against 7. The proposal is approved by a 2/3 majority.

8. Election of officers

President: Nick Morton is elected unanimously

Club Captain: Jesper Heiselberg is elected unanimously

Club Secretary: Marc Culot is elected unanimously

Recruitment Secretary: Alberto Dal Corso is elected unanimously

Social Secretary: Beatrice d’Eufemia is elected unanimously

Communication Secretary: Becky Jensen is elected unanimously

DTU Liaison: Becky and Marc nominate Francois Kruger. He is elected unanimously

Treasurer: Simon Mountford is elected unanimously

Head of Men: Zorn Cooperider is elected unanimously

Head of Ladies: Signe Munch is elected unanimously

9. Appointment of Auditor

Riina Kiiski is elected unanimously

10. Any Other Business

Sam Surplica has sent a suggestion to the Committee

Proposal for Club House by Sam Surplice

This is something to be brought up at the AGM.

It's always been a strange thing to me that Exiles, being one of the oldest clubs steeped in so much history, yet we don't have a club house.

Every time we travel to other clubs, Exiles players always asks that same question: "Why don't we have a club house?".

I know it has something to do with DTU and politics, but I feel we really need to start building one or, at the very least, start making it a top priority.

Ed and myself (as well as a few other players) have expressed our opinions on this matter multiple times and also offered to help in the form of labour and putting extra time in to help after trainings.

We are the Exiles! The best social club in DK!! How can we not have a club house!?

Alternative options to a club house: Because of the local plan in Lyngby, DTU cannot build new permanent structures. The club would have to look on temporary structures

Luna points out that it would be difficult to get our own club house without the other clubs from DTU. Jesper mentions the possibility of sharing the place.

The maintenance of a club house might lead to a raise in subs

It would be better to discuss the creation of the club house directly with DTU

Conclusion: A committee with Lasse Nørregaard, Sam Surplice, Beatrice d’Eufemia (Social Secretary), Francois Kruger (DTU Liaison), Tom Ward. Alessandro Dal Corso will submit some proposals

50th Anniversary is going to be an enormous day

The idea of an Exiles 7’s tournament is proposed. The new Committee will consider it.

Meeting adjourned at 20.28

Hold i dag


