Committee Meeting 11/03/2024

Participating: Jacob, Jon, Nick, Signe, Simon, Sofie, Stephanie & Zorn
Minutes by: Jon

  1. Inaugural Committee meeting
    The committee members introduce themselves
    We establish that Jacob needs dating advice. He is chasing an older woman called Liesl. The older members of the committee keep referencing The Sound of Music for the remainder of the meeting.

  2. Round table:
    Sofie – Head of Ladies
    This is Sofie’s first committee meeting.
    The team is aiming for second place this year!

Dylan the new coach is doing well, and the team is growing more used to his slightly different style of coaching. He has requested resistance bands and hurdles for the trainings. He is however right now in Australia for a month.
The team is trying to plan a tour for the end of May, either to London or Warsaw.

They also have a team bonding weekend in Hornbæk soon, where 13 people are going!

Zorn – Head of Men’s
Saturday was a success, training game with Speed. Both teams were happy to get some game time, especially for the new players.

After the game the players went into their clubhouse and had beers while watching the 6 Nations game. Great to build a better relationship with them.

Last year we had some friendly games with CPH Wolves, who are happy to play with us as long as we even out the teams, as they are not up to playing our first team.

We will also try to play some friendlies against some Swedish teams again this year.

CBS is apparently trying to build a team again?

Zorn also wants to try to build a better relationship with FRK. Communication has been a little strained there.

We’ve made a formal protest about the new tournament schedule, but will of course be playing it this year.

Holdsport seems way easier to set up games in, than Klubmodul.

Been asking DRU about a first aid course. They need a place to hold it, and Zorn has offered that we could host it. We can surely get a room at DTU.

We have some players who are interested in coaching and ref courses.

DRU has gotten a new person for licences, which leaves yet to be seen whether we can still get licences quickly.

Jacob – DTU Liaison
Jacob believes we have a solid relationship with DTU.

He spoke with Henrik, who is resigning soon, though whoever is taking over from his position, has not been revealed yet.

Our pitch should be ready for 2nd of April, by which time the new person will have taken over.

There has been news about a new building being built on our pitch. We have just gotten confirmation that there’s a 95% chance that our pitch is safe, though the Footballers pitch will be claimed to build the new building.

Jacob will attend the April meeting for the sports clubs, and gather more news.

Ignasi – Recruitment Secretary 
Ignasi has been trying to get access to Bachelor students, but it’s been difficult, since their teams seem only interested in pushing events to do with getting drunk.
Jacob will talk about this at the DTU meeting, and see if he can convince them to push for an intro week for the Bachelor students at the end of August.

Some of the guys are interested in going to a beach tournament in Spain or Portugal. He’s hoping this could maybe be a trip that has attendees from both the men’s and ladies team.

Ignasi will go forward with the planning of this.

We’re doing well in retaining players.

He’s also happy about the quality and amount of players attending training.

Ignasi also mentions maybe recruiting a PureGym, or even getting a discounted membership.

Stephanie – Social Secretary
The 6 Nations is ending on Saturday. The Women's 6th Nations is starting the week after, which will be promoted within the team, especially for the new players on the ladies team.

New manager (Jesper) is starting for Bootleggers City soon, and Steph is in communication with him already.
The construction in the backroom at Bootleggers City is supposed to be done at the end of April. Until then we will get a place upstairs for after games.

Might have recruited a new guy for the Men’s team, though that remains to be seen!

Let’s make sure to stock the freezer for the BBQ season, Simon will help out with this.

And let's do a BBQ when we’re back on the pitch.

Signe – Club Captain
Signe is dubbed “Ma’am” and shares a few inspirational words for the new committee.

She will help out with communication with DRU.

Simon – Treasurer
It’s a quiet period at the moment. Money is slowly dripping in. Please send reminders for paying subs, in both Facebook groups.

He is also trying to appease everyone who joined partway through a year, and therefore don’t get full value of their membership.
Will look into sourcing hotdogs and shopping hurdles and other things the coaches are wishing for.

Is waiting for receipts for the remaining shirts for the ladies team.

Nick – President
Zorn wrote a really good message on the Men’s site – he suggests we put it on the website!

Also good to hear we will work on getting a better relationship with FRK again.

Really excited about working closer with the Gentofte Harlequins team. Aiden is working on getting a working relationship with them. They have facilities we could use, and likewise we have facilities and training that they could make use of, for their older players.

It is noted that we should make sure to talk to Joao, to ensure that we’re not poaching players from a team they are trying to start.

Jon – Club Secretary

Have reclaimed and assigned new emails for the new members of the committee.
Will be going to the DRU Parliament +AGM next weekend.  Signe will join for Saturday.

(Before posting these minutes, the Saturday Parliament has been cancelled)

Holdsport is now running, and Jon encourages Zorn and Sofie to push their players and coaches to start using it. Sofie has already started the ladies team on a different system, which was unfortunate timing. She will do the transition when it’s more convenient.

Unfortunately it was not possible to move our payment system to Holdsport at this time. That means that for now members have to have login on both sites.
Hopefully we will find a good solution for this before next year comes around.

Franco – Communications Secretary (Absent)
Franco has agreed to join the committee as our new Communication Secretary.
He was unfortunately unable to join the already planned meeting time.
Jon will send him relevant information for the position.

  1. AGM Followup
    Philip suggested at the AGM that we should have a to share information strictly for members of the team. Things such as standing job opportunities, potential PureGym offers or Bootleggers Prices.
    The Committee decides to take this discussion later, when our new Communication Secretary is present.

  2. Merch
    We still have 22.000kr worth of stock in a basement somewhere.
    We need to take inventory of that, and get it up for sale soon!

  3. Misc 
    Stephanie – Hasn't yet done any planning, but wanted to get a feeler on the date for the next AD&D. She is planning for us to go back to Happy Feet, and for now we’ll try to book the place for the 23rd of November. DTU was free, but also a hassle to work with, and difficult to and from for most people.
    Apparently, several of the old boys are interested in coming back this year!
Hold i dag


