Committee Meeting 02/11/2022

 Participating: Alberto, Ignasi, Jesper, Jon, Nick, Signe, Simon, Stephanie, Zorn, 




  1. Reports from committee members


Signe: Ladies season is done. 2nd in the last tournament, beat FRK in the last game which was awesome!

Ladies will train in November without Lele. Three of the girls will take lead in that time. There are plans to train a couple of times with FRK, to have better numbers.

Had five ladies that went to Sweden and joined a 15 man training, which seemed to be quite popular!

December is off, and start again in January.

The Ladies will need a new kit next year.


Zorn: Men’s will not be practising on Tuesdays in November. They will train outside at Lyngby Stadion on Thursdays. It is also likely that there will be no trainings in December.

Ended the season with a win, against CSR. 

Had several friendlies recently, including mixed teams with Speed. DRU somehow managed to not inform Speed about the Cup game, so on Speeds request it has been moved to the spring.

Wolves enjoy playing with us, so we’ve had two friendlies with them in the fall. Three of their players have shown interest in joining our trainings.

The Men will be going on tour to Hungary next year, which is a shift from regular tours, as people will have to find their on way to the hotel there. It’s too far to drive with a bus. 

Junaire is showing more interest in people from our team concerning the national team, than previous coaches have done. He is ongoing contact with the team, speaking about potential candidates. 


Stephanie: Loads of BBQs this year. None of it has gone bad, so the planning for that has gone pretty well.

AD&D tickets has finally gone up, despite some hiccups. Deadline is the 11th of November.

End of seasons beers at the new Nørrebro Bootleggers on the 12th. That Bootleggers opens on this Friday, with free beers for the first few hours.


Jesper: DRU Parlament on the 19th.

Our busdriver has invited the team to Bornholm, to his new hotel.

Holdsport has not been set up yet, will send info on that on to Jon to look into. We will not ask DTU for permission, as it seems other teams are already using other platforms than Klubmodul.


Nick: This year we’ve had several trainings for the Old Boys, who have shown a lot of interest in coming and having fun with the team. It is good for the club, to keep the former members interested in the club.

Will continue this again in the new year, after the winter break.

There are also plans to have the Old Boys meet at Bootleggers Nørreport on the 19th, to watch some rugby games and have a few pints.

Will try to get all of them ready for the 55th next year.


Alberto: First time for Alberto doing merchandise this year.

We’ve just finished the merch run a few days ago, and will now send the orders. Quite a few ordered, and the new things were popular, like the t-shirt and socks. Some extra items will be ordered, to keep the prices down, so we will have a little bit of stock left over. Alberto and Simon will work together, to collect and spend money.

Merch will arrive in December.

Will start working on the marketing book in January, to use for getting new sponsors.

Keeping updated with social media logos – like the current Movember logo.


Simon: Signe and Zorn did really well on chasing subs this year. It seems everyone has actually paid!

We need to follow up with DTU, about money they promised us for the recruitment day.

Our bank account sits at 172.000kr currently, so there is plenty of money to pay bus fees. The busses will be about 50.000kr this year.

We should work on eating in to that budget a little bit, as there is no value for us to have money on the account.

All trophy’s need to be handed to Simon by the 19th of November, for engraving.


Jon: Have spent some time this year cleaning out the shed, and returning bags of pant.

Is keeping in contact with Lyngby Stadion and reporting to them when we use the pitch, so they can turn off the lights to save energy.

Suggests we get the get permission from DTU to put up the awning we have in the shed.


Ignasi: Isnasi steps up as our bew recruitment secretary!

Ignasi is happy to fill the open positon on the committee.

Jon will setup email.

With regards to bachelor students, DTU facilitates parties and getting drunk, way more than getting into sports. Maybe the recent backlash against over-drinking in schools, can help us change the focus more to sports! DTU need to be encouraged to do more events for sport, and not just drinking games.

Bachelors can be more difficult for us, as they are mostly Danish, but we should be able to get our Danish players to help make events for that.


2. Mens joint game day

Junaire has suggested all the Mens teams around Copenhagen get together and do a joint game day, maybe sometime around Easter.

The idea is some pre-season games where we mix the teams. We have responded that we would be happy to host.


3. DTU Sport's new plans

We are in good standing with DTU. We’re being nice, not making trouble, and cleaning up after ourselves.

The school wants to fundamentally change the way that the clubs work, to get more women to play sports. DTU Sports want all clubs to be part of the same website so they can share in all the sports at the same time. We’re not thinking that’s very likely to happen.

Zorn suggests we ask DTU for better facilities and lights at the changing rooms, to draw in more women.

Also the fitness room is opening again soon, and might in the future be open for members of teams outside of DTU students.


4. AD&D

Menu options from Tom:

Same as last year but roast pork 130

Salmon starter, roast beef strip loin, 4 salads, tiramisu, 145

Sliders 3 per person. 120

We suggest taking the middle choice, without the appetiser, as 2 courses is enough time spent eating at the AD&D.

Wine from Bordershop – Jon to send number of wines from last year to Stehanie.

Raffle, don’t run out of tickets! Get raffle prized from players. Free membership vould  be one, and maybe a free tour?

Ignasi suggests planning first game of the next year, and telling people about it already at this party, to drum up interest in coming back next year.

We don’t expect to make money on the AD&D, but for it to break about even.

We’ll hire the same help to run the food as last year.

Stephanie will make a post for asking for help with setup and clean-up.

Simon will look into getting the slightly broken Women’s Player of the Year trophy fixed.


5. Social media groups

We discuss our various social media platforms, like the Facebook groups and some What’s App groups, and find a lack of places to send new “Old Boys”.

Players who leave us, should still be kept in the loop somehow.

We don’t find a solution for it, and decide for it to be on the agenda again in the new year.


6. Physio

We’ve had a Physio for a year now, how do we and the team feel that has been going?
 We end up not having the time to talk about this at this meeting, and decide it will be on the agenda for next year’s AGM, or first committee meeting next year.

We also really need to get people to show up for the AGM this time!


7. Sponsorships

There has been whispers that maybe Durum Bar would be willing to sponsor the team. This has not been confirmed though, and the committee will wait to reach out till next year, when we have a sponsorship folder for them.

8. 55th Anniversary
We would like to hold a 55th next year, and will start planning for that in the new year.
 Nick will drum up interest with the former players.

Hold i dag


